Environmental Leadership

Environmental Leadership Award

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The Environmental Leadership Award is given to a retailer who demonstrates a new sustainability initiative or advancement of a current sustainability initiative. The entry must show an innovative and proactive solution to environmental and/or business challenges and reduce the retailers’ footprint. The entry may cover such elements as reducing energy consumption and improving efficiency in a retailer’s buildings and operations, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, cutting waste, recycling, introducing sustainable products, reducing overall operating risks and more.  The results of this green initiative should include increased environmental awareness through energy conservation, waste reduction, renewable sources, increased savings for the store, improved brand image, increased ROI, etc.


Introduction (100 Words)

Please include the following in your response:

  • Name of retailer
  • Name of the environmental initiative
  • Name of any partnerships included in this project (if applicable)
  • Summary of the environmental initiative


Needs and Objectives (300-500 Words) – 20%

Please include the following in your response:

  • The needs of the initiative
  • The stakeholders involved
  • The focus
  • The objectives or purpose of the initiative


Program Details & Results (300-500 Words) – 70%

Please include the following in your response:

  • Describe how the initiative was innovative and provided a proactive solution to environmental and/or business needs and issues. How was the initiative successful in impacting the chosen environmental issues?
  • Is the specific initiative part of a greater overall corporate sustainability plan?
  • Are there existing targets/goals that the retailer has set to reduce their environmental impact and how this initiative contributes to these goals?
  • Demonstrate how the initiative resulted in reducing the company’s footprint.
  • Explain the collaboration of both internal and external stakeholders. Describe the impact the initiative had on all stakeholders.
  • Outline the resources, budget and timelines assigned to the initiative. Explain how these resources were effectively used, budget targets were maintained and timelines achieved.
  • Describe how the initiative was to be evaluated and if the plan met the assessed needs, all components were delivered and if the overall objectives were achieved.
  • How (if at all) were you able to engage with your customers to help reduce the industry’s overall environmental impact (education, participation, etc…).
  • Any other elements that you would like to highlight about the initiative.


Supporting Evidence: 10%

Please provide supporting visuals with the submission



  1. Title Page
    (Must include Award Category, Name of Company and Title of Submission)
  2. Table of Contents
  3. Content Pages
    • Introduction
    • Needs and Objectives
    • Program Details & Results
  4. Appendices (if applicable) and Supporting Evidence with description